The Oxford Companion To Philosophy
Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments
T. L. Huchu
The Final Mission
R.A. Spratt
Walt Disney
Neal Gabler
Which Way to the Future - Selected Essays from Analog (2001)
Stanley Schmidt
Ironside - The Picture Frame Frame-Up (1969) Whitman
The Picture Frame Frame-Up (1969) Whitman
Treasures of the Night: The Collected Poems of Jean Genet
Jean Genet
The Apache Kid (1985)
Clay Fisher
Gently Go Man (1961)
Alan Hunter
The Marine from Mandalay (2001)
James Leasor
The Diamond Boomerang (1970)
Lester Taube
Welcome to Vietnam, Macho Man (1989)
Ernest Spencer
What Remains of a Rembrandt . . .
White, Edmund
The Joy of Gay Sex
Dr. Charles Silverstein & Edmund White
Yesterday And Tomorrow (1965)
Jules Verne
Who Evil Thinks (1952)
Richard Glendinning
Up in Arms
Adam E Casey
The Best American Short Stories 1957
Martha Foley (Ed.)
In Search of Human Evolution: Field Research in Diverse Environments
Michael H. Crawford
When Gravity Fails (1987)
George Alec Effinger
Effective Rust
David Drysdale
Zorro (1958) Whitman TV
Beyond This Horizon (2014)
Robert A Heinlein
McCall's - November 1930
November 1930
Top Notch - 1 June 1932
1 June 1932
Terre Haute
Edmund White
Nichols L. Cybersecurity Accompaniment. La
Lester Nichols
Detective Story Magazine - 7 January 1928
7 January 1928
For Men Only - December 1975
December 1975
Thunder in Europe (1968)
John Creasey
Jack Harkaway and the Sacred Serpent (1936)
Brackbridge Hemyng
The Popular Magazine - 15 March 1911
15 March 1911
Startide Rising (1985)
David Brin
TransVersions #6 (1996)
TransVersions #7 (1997)
TransVersions #10 (1999)
Quick - 6 October 1952
6 October 1952
Love Story Magazine - 2 March 1940
2 March 1940
The Popular Magazine - 7 October 1924
7 October 1924
Paper Soldiers: How the Weaponization of the Dollar Changed ...
Saleha Mohsin
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strengthening Your Soft Skills (for True ...
Harvard Business Review
M. P. Shiel - A Biography of His Early Years (2005)
Harold Billings
Stranger Than Science (1959)
Frank Edwards
TransVersions #3 (1995)
Jim Starr of the Border Patrol (1937) BLB
Zhang G., Si M., George T. Quantum Mechani
The Vote
Paul Foot;
The Fragrance of Guava
Gabriel García Márquez
Until August: A novel
Gabriel García Márquez
Truth Came Out (193)
E. R. Punshon
Viator Plus (2009)
Lucius Shepard
Where is the Withered Man (1972)
John Creasey/Norman Deane
Unknown Mission (1973)
John Creasey/Deane Norman
The Withered Man (1974)
Deane Norman
Unto Caesar (1913-14)
Baroness Orczy
The Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games (2006)
Graham Burgess, John Nunn, John Emms
The Mammoth Book of Chess (2009)
Graham Burgess
NY Times Cooking [Wed, 06 Mar 2024]
The Letters of Emily Dickinson, Volume 3
Thomas H. Johnson [editor]
Take a Body (1972)
The Epoch Times [Tue, 05 Mar 2024]
The Lost World (1912)
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Epoch Times [Sat, 02 Mar 2024]