The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12)
Jeff Kinney
The Political Economy of Global Capitalism and Crisis
Dunn, Bill
Beyond This Horizon (2014)
Robert A Heinlein
The Princess Diaries 06 - Princess In Training
Cabot, Meg
The Princess Diaries (6)
Ping-Qi P. Linear Programming Computation
Mergel D. Physics with Excel and Python Vo
Mellor A. Java OOP Done Right. Create obje
Measurement and Sensor Systems
TAlexander W. Koch
MCA Microsoft 365® Certified Associate Modern Desktop Administrator ...
William Panek
Mao Y. Metal Oxide Nanomaterials From Fund
Manz O. Encrypt, Sign, Attack. A Compact I
Lobel O. The Equality Machine. Harnessing
Linden’s Handbook of Batteries, Fifth Edition
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Learning Digital Identity
Philliip J. Windley
Khare K. Fourier Optics and Computational
Jain H. Data Structures & Algorithms using
hemant jain
Iranmanesh A. Frontiers of Quality Electro
Human Recognition at a Distance in Video (Advances in Pattern ...
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Mathematics for Multimedia (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
Mladen Victor Wickerhauser
Housley W. The SAGE Handbook of Digital So
Harvard Business Review. HBR Guide to AI B
Multi-component Reactions in Molecular Diversity
Jean-Philippe Goddard & Max Malacria & Cyril Ollivier
Griebel M. Meshfree Methods for Partial Di
Geometric Algebra Computing in Engineering and Computer Science
Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Gerik Scheuermann
Ganesan K. The Business Case for AI. A Lea
Galagedara P. Embrace. In pursuit of happi
Fuzzy thinking : the new science of fuzzy logic
Kosko, Bart
Ghosh T. Practical Mathematics for AI and
Fundamentals of Scientific Computing (Texts in Computational ...
Bertil Gustafsson
Functional Polymers for Metal-Ion Batteries
Shanqing Zhang
Fall A. Sustainable Energy Access for Comm
Exploring Poisonous Plants; Medicinal Values, Toxicity Responses, ...
Azamal Husen
Evangelista L. An Introduction to Anomalou
Fusco N. Mathematical Analysis. Functions
Enzyme Engineering
Manfred T. Reetz
Essentials of Operations Management, 2e
Nigel Slack & Alistair Brandon-Jones
Electronic Measurements
Geert Langereis
Distinct Aerodynamics of Insect-Scale Flight
Csaba Hefler, Chang-kwon Kang, Huihe Qiu & Wei Shyy
Douglass B. Agile Model-Based Systems Engi
Digital Booklet
Design for Developers MEAP V09
Dell Vxrail System Design and Best Practices
Wu, Victor;
Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition
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Decision Support System; Tools and Techniques
Susmita Bandyopadhyay
Dautray R. Math Analysis and Num Methods f
D3.js in Action, Third Edition MEAP V09
Countering Cyberterrorism
Corless R. Graduate Introduction to Numeri
Constanda C. Integral Methods in Science a
CompTIA Data +: DAO-001 Certification Guide
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Chicago Guide to Writing About Numbers
Chen C. Handbook of Pattern Recognition an
Burge M., Bowyer K. Handbook of Iris Recog
Bio-Inspired Optimization in Fog and Edge Computing Environments; ...
Punit Gupta & Dinesh Kumar Saini & Pradeep Singh Rawat & Kashif Zia
Larissa Müller
Berg H. Batteries for Electric Vehicles. M
Bergreen, Laurence - Marco Polo. De la Venetia la Shangdu
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Banica T. Introduction to Quantum Groups 2
Anastassiou G. Numerical Analysis Using Sa
An Introduction to Computational Stochastic PDEs.pdf