Data Exfiltration Malware, Detection, and Prevention Technologies
Jakapan Suaboot
The Kindness of Strangers
Michael E. McCullough
13 Things They Won't Tell You
Editors of Reader's Digest
The Girl Who Dared to Endure
Bella Forrest
Girl Who Dared to Think (6)
Miniaturized Electrochemical Devices; Advanced Concepts, Fabrication, ...
Goel Sanket & Amreen Khairunnisa & Omkar Dadi Sri Satya & Sharma Vyom & Patel Divyansh Singh & Chakraborty Chanchal & Roy Susmita & Valappil Vipin & Koley Santanu & Devarakonda Yogeshwar & Lakshmi Reddi & R. S. Neethu & Bhalerao Mitul & Syal Kirtimaan & Prabhu Prathiksha P & Pan Koustav & Nambi Krishnan Jegatha & Gupta Navneet & Teotia Reva & Pal Ramendra Kishor & Mitra Debirupa & Dutta Arnab & Jyothis Surendran & Sujith Ravindran & Shivesh Kumar & Bhaiyya Manish & Pattnaik Prasant Kumar & Chintakindi Jhansi & Mir Afkham & Gaonkar Asmita Dileep & Paniya Shraddha & Vankayala Kiran & Jayanty Subbalakshmi & Trivedi Kshma & Tiwari Aditya & Mukhopadhyay Sangeeta Jana & Kanungo Sayan & Joshi Ashutosh & V. Manjuladevi & Gupta R. K. & Baral Saroj Sundar & Singh Sarthak & Choudhary Dev
Mining Social Media
Vo, Lam Thuy;
Minimalist Data Wrangling with Python
Marek Gagolewski
Minimalist Lighting: Professional Techniques for Studio Photography
Kirk Tuck
Mining of Massive Datasets
Ministry of Darkness
Lesley Chamberlain;
Minor Dramas & Other Catastrophes
Kathleen West
Miracle Mindset
JJ Virgin
Mirage Men
Mark Pilkington
Mirror, Mirror
Paula Byrne
Misanthropology; Science, Pseudoscience, and the Study of Humanity
Sean M. Rafferty
Misadventures with a Firefighter
Julie Morgan
Misadventures with a Lawyer
Missed Connections
Kate Sparrows
Mission Flats
William Landay
Missions of Security
Bjorn Hasseler
NESS (2)
Mister Jiu's in Chinatown: Recipes and Stories from the Birthplace ...
Brandon Jew & Tienlon Ho
Mistletoe, Whisky and a Rogue
Jane Charles
Misusing Scripture: What Are Evangelicals Doing with the Bible?
Edited by Mark Elliott & Kenneth Atkinson & and Robert Rezetko
MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences
R. Wilson & F. Keil
Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine
Lee Know
Mixing Medicines
Griffin, Clare;
MLOps Engineering at Scale
Carl Osipov
Mixtape Murder: A New Adult Cozy Mystery
Torie Lennox
Mob Town
John Bennett
Mobile Robot: Motion Control and Path Planning
Ahmad Taher Azar · Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem · Amjad Jaleel Humaidi
MobX Quick Start Guide
Supercharge the client state in your React
Mod Squad - Assignment . The Arranger (1969)
Assignment . The Arranger (1969)
Mocktails, Punches & Shrubs: Over 80 non-alcoholic drinks to ...
Vikas Khanna
Model Attraction
Sharon C. Cooper
Model Engineer
Vol. 232 Issue 4732, 15 28 December 2023
Model Machines
Bui, Long T.;
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Jun Liu
Modeling Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinases
Edited By Tarun Jha
Modeling and Simulation Based Systems Engineering: Theory and ...
Lin Zhang & Chun Zhao
Models of Conflict and Cooperation
Rick Gillman, David Housman
Modern African Cookbook
Modern Antenna Design
Thomas A. Milligan
Modern Automotive Electrical Systems
Pedram Asef, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban & Andrew Lapthorn
Modern C++ Programming Cookbook
Marius Bancila
Modern Chinese
Sam Low
Modern Computer Algebra
Joachim von zur Gathen & Jurgen Gerhard
Modern CSS with Tailwind
Noel Rappin
Modern Data Analytics in Excel
George Mount
Modern Mainframe Development
Tom Taulli
Modern Money and the Rise and Fall of Capitalist Finance; The ...
Jongchul Kim
Modern Optimization Methods for Decision Making Under Risk and ...
Alexei A. Gaivoronski & Pavel S. Knopov & Volodymyr A. Zaslavskyi
Modern Physics : The Scenic Route (204 Pages)
Leo Bellantoni
Modern Quantum Theory
Bertlmann, Reinhold;Friis, Nicolai;
Modern Python Standard Library Cookbook
Alessandro Molina
Modern Special Relativity
A Student's Guide
Modern Software Engineering (Hogly Rubio's Library)
David Farley
Modern Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control: From System ...
Vincenzo Pesce & Andrea Colagrossi & Stefano Silvestrini
Modern System Administration
Jennifer Davis
Modern Web Development with Deno
Borse, Mayur;
Modernist Fraud: Hoax, Parody, Deception
Modernizing Enterprise Java
Markus Eisele & Natale Vinto
Modernize Applications with Apache Kafka (for True Epub)
Jennifer Vargas & Richard Stroop
Joe Angell