Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
Leszek Kolakowski
Spark Joy
Marie Kondo
The Feather's Push
Noel Zamot
Panic Attack
Robby Soave
Wagtail CMS in Action MEAP V04
Design for Developers MEAP V09
Неизвестное название
Python How-To MEAP V09
Ghosh T. Practical Mathematics for AI and
Barton T. Apply Data Science. Introduction
Countering Cyberterrorism
6G and Onward to Next G
Maier, Martin;
Fall A. Sustainable Energy Access for Comm
Advances in Automatic Differentiation (Lecture Notes in Computational ...
Christian H. Bischof, H. Martin Bücker, Paul Hovland, Uwe Naumann, ...
The History of the GPU - Steps to Invention
Jon Peddie
The History of the GPU - New Developments
Nee A. Springer Handbook of Augmented Real
Geometric Algebra Computing in Engineering and Computer Science
Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Gerik Scheuermann
The History of the GPU - Eras and Environment
Ping-Qi P. Linear Programming Computation
The easiest way to become a software developer
Fiodar Sazanavets
Sazanavets F. Microservices Communication
Corless R. Graduate Introduction to Numeri
Haoxing R. Machine Learning Applications i
The Heartbeat of Trees: Embracing Our Ancient Bond With Forests ...
Peter Wohlleben
Galagedara P. Embrace. In pursuit of happi
Constanda C. Integral Methods in Science a
Dautray R. Math Analysis and Num Methods f
SQLite Internals: How The World's Most Used Database Works
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation: Guidelines and Examples
Terrell, Steven R.
Ganesan K. The Business Case for AI. A Lea
Harvard Business Review. HBR Guide to AI B
Electronic Measurements
Geert Langereis
Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition MEAP V07
Yearbook of Astronomy 2023
Brian Jones
Decision Support System; Tools and Techniques
Susmita Bandyopadhyay
Osval A. Multivariate Statistical Machine
Functional Polymers for Metal-Ion Batteries
Shanqing Zhang
Fundamentals of Scientific Computing (Texts in Computational ...
Bertil Gustafsson
MCA Microsoft 365® Certified Associate Modern Desktop Administrator ...
William Panek
[Catalysts] Biocatalytic Applications in Biotechnology-1.pdf
Larissa Müller
Housley W. The SAGE Handbook of Digital So
Learning Digital Identity
Philliip J. Windley
Wireless Communication Security
Manju Khari, Manisha Bharti & M. Niranjanamurthy
Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods
Bertil Gustafsson & Heinz-Otto Kreiss & Joseph Oliger
Advances in Digital Manufacturing Systems
R. K. AmitKulwant S. PawarR. P. SundarrajSvetan Ratchev
Distinct Aerodynamics of Insect-Scale Flight
Csaba Hefler, Chang-kwon Kang, Huihe Qiu & Wei Shyy
Fusco N. Mathematical Analysis. Functions
PKI Implementation and Infrastructures
Julian Ashbourn
Wang L. Physical Layer Security in Wireles
Traveling Wave Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Numerical ...
Enzyme Engineering
Manfred T. Reetz
Mellor A. Java OOP Done Right. Create obje
Test-Driven Development with Java
Alan Mellor
Griebel M. Meshfree Methods for Partial Di
Edited & pdfresizer.com
Tian X. Wireless Localization Techniques 2
Continuum Mechanics for Engineers
Mase, G. Thomas & Smelser, Ronald E. & Rossmann, Jenn Stroud"
Mao Y. Metal Oxide Nanomaterials From Fund
Numerical Library in Java for Scientists & Engineers
Hang T. Lau
Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists
Joe D. Hoffman
Snider R. Advanced Digital System Design u