The Game is Afoot! Step out of your hansom cab and onto the foggy streets of Edwardian London with The Sherlock Holmes Quiz Book, a comprehensive collection of fun and challenging trivia bout the adventures of the inimitable detective who intellectual feats overwhelmed criminals and Scotland Yard alike. Kathleen Kaska offers brainteasers on each story about the detective and his associate Dr. Watson, as well as the background on how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's own experiences contributed to to his literary work. She covers all of the different ways Holmes has been adapted including the recent Robert Downey Jr. films, and TV shows featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller.
The Game is Afoot!Step out of your hansom cab and onto the foggy streets of Edwardian London with The Sherlock Holmes Quiz Book, a comprehensive collection of fun and challenging trivia bout the adventures of the inimitable detective who intellectual feats overwhelmed criminals and Scotland Yard alike.
Kathleen Kaska offers brainteasers on each story about the detective and his associate Dr. Watson, as well as the background on how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's own experiences contributed to to his literary work. She covers all of the different ways Holmes has been adapted including the recent Robert Downey Jr. films, and TV shows featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller.