A Fiscal Cliff

John Merrifield

Language: English

Publisher: Cato Institute

Published: Oct 1, 2020


"'A Fiscal Cliff' is precisely the right book for perilous fiscal times. Giants in economics and public policy offer a spirited defense of fiscal rules critically needed to protect our children and grandchildren from a bleak future."
-Richard K. Vedder, Distinguished Professor of Economics Emeritus, Ohio University

The unsustainable, and still rapidly growing, U.S. federal government debt is a classic case of ''in denial." Indeed, we are no closer to a solution to the debt crisis than we were ten years ago when the Simpson-Bowles Commission issued a report with recommendations to address the nation's debt crisis. The bipartisan Commission fell short of the supermajority vote required to submit their recommendations to Congress. President Trump declared a debt crisis, but didn't act like it. Various commissions and think tanks have made numerous recommendations. In 2019, a Congressional Committee was appointed to recommend budget process reforms, but that...