Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and Applications

Naseem Uddin

Language: English


Publisher: CRC Press

Published: Jan 15, 2024


Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and Applications offers a blend of theory and practical applications for a complete understanding of thermodynamics for various engineering applications. Beginning with a basic introduction and principles of thermodynamics, the book advances to more specialized topics like organic Rankine cycle, gas mixtures, equilibria and chemical reactions. Exploring the first law of thermodynamics, different types of energies and their practical applications in engineering devices, the text covers enthalpy, heat transfer and work interactions with a focus on macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. It introduces the second law of thermodynamics and entropy with an in-depth look at Carnot engines and absolute temperature scales. The book includes applied problems that are solved using COOLPROP, Tilmedia and MAPLE-ThermophysicalData packages. The book is intended for senior undergraduate mechanical, aerospace and chemical engineering students taking courses in thermodynamics. Instructors will be able to utilize a Solutions Manual, Figure Slides, and MAPLE codes for their courses.