A Life Beyond Amazing Study Guide

David Jeremiah

Language: English

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Published: Aug 2, 2017


Why were people in the first century so drawn to Jesus of Nazareth? His powerful miracles and challenging teachings, for sure. But it was also His character. Humanity had never witnessed someone who is loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, compassionate, generous, faithful, humble, and self-controlled all the time. It was as if God Himself had become a human being to demonstrate the life that is possible–a life beyond amazing.

The traits that Jesus demonstrated in His life were traits empowered by the Spirit of God who filled Him. When Jesus returned to heaven, He sent His Spirit to indwell all His true followers so they could display the same character in their lives–not for their benefit alone but to show the world the kind of life God intended us to enjoy. The apostle Paul called these traits "the fruit of the Spirit" (Galatians 5:22–23).

In this A Life Beyond Amazing Study Guide, Dr. David Jeremiah describes the divinely empowered life that is...