Youth to Power

Jamie Margolin

Language: English

Publisher: Hachette Books

Published: Jun 2, 2020


Climate change activist and Zero Hour founder Jamie Margolin offers the essential guide to changemaking for young people..

The 1963 Children's March in Birmingham, Alabama. Tiananmen Square, 1989. The 2016 Dakota Access Pipeline protests. March for Our Lives, and School Strike for Climate. What do all these social justice movements have in common?

They were led by passionate, informed, engaged young people.

Jamie Margolin has been organizing and protesting since she was fourteen years old. Now the co-leader of a global climate action movement, she knows better than most how powerful a young person can be. You don't have to be able to vote or hold positions of power to change the world.

In Youth to Power, Jamie presents the essential guide to changemaking, with advice on writing and pitching op-eds, organizing successful events and peaceful protests, time management as a student activist, utilizing social media and...