In this enlightening guide developed from his popular Trust Works! training program, #1 bestselling author and management guru Ken Blanchard turns his vast knowledge and insight to one of the most timely and complex issues that affects all areas of our lives.
Once upon a time, a dog and a cat lived together with other animals and the humans who cared for them. But canine and feline did not trust each other--a situation that led to fighting, backbiting, and sabotaging that soon affected the whole household.
Unless their conflict was resolved, all of the pets would lose their home. Fortunately, a wise old parrot stepped in, teaching dog and cat the ABCDs of trust. As each became aware of the unconscious behaviors at the root of their hostility, dog and cat discovered how to change their behavior--a mutual transformation that created a happy, productive environment for all.
Trust Works!
How to build it--How to keep it
In this enlightening guide developed from his popular Trust Works! training program, #1 bestselling author and management guru Ken Blanchard turns his vast knowledge and insight to one of the most timely and complex issues that affects all areas of our lives.
Once upon a time, a dog and a cat lived together with other animals and the humans who cared for them. But canine and feline did not trust each other--a situation that led to fighting, backbiting, and sabotaging that soon affected the whole household.
Unless their conflict was resolved, all of the pets would lose their home. Fortunately, a wise old parrot stepped in, teaching dog and cat the ABCDs of trust. As each became aware of the unconscious behaviors at the root of their hostility, dog and cat discovered how to change their behavior--a mutual transformation that created a happy, productive environment for all.
In Trust...