Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman On How To Attract, Seduce And Get Any Female You Want
Chapter 1: Introduction
I waited back stage at the Renaissance Hotel ballroom, where the Pick Up Artist Summit was in full swing and I was the next scheduled speaker. If you are not familiar with the term Pick Up Artist, as many people are not, it means a man who is skilled at meeting, attracting, and seducing women.
Chapter 2: What The F Do Women Want
Do not be timid or tentative. A man who is self-assured & assertive will touch in a casual manner, without hesitancy or uncertainty. - Claire 32
Chapter 3: How to Approach & Meet Women
"I can tell when guys are checking me out. When I catch them, they look away when what they should do is smile at me" - Wing Girl Heather
Chapter 4: How to Talk to Women & Create Attraction
Chapter 5: The Dating Playbook
How to Get a Rave Review
Chapter 6: How to Avoid theFriend Zone
"Women can smell doubt and fear from a mile away. If you doubt yourself, we're going to sense that and doubt you do." - Jennifer 28
Chapter 7: How Women Want It! The How, What, When, Where And Why Behind Every Female Action
"I wish men knew that when I am silent and say nothing is wrong, what I really want/need is attention" - Nicki
Chapter 8: The Conclusion
When you wake up tomorrow, how will you feel about yourself? Will you replay a conversation over and over again you had with a woman who rejected you or will you feel amazing knowing that you put yourself out there and walked away with all of your limbs intact?
Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman On How To Attract, Seduce And Get Any Female You WantChapter 1: Introduction
I waited back stage at the Renaissance Hotel ballroom, where the Pick Up Artist Summit was in full swing and I was the next scheduled speaker. If you are not familiar with the term Pick Up Artist, as many people are not, it means a man who is skilled at meeting, attracting, and seducing women.
Chapter 2: What The F Do Women Want
Do not be timid or tentative. A man who is self-assured & assertive will touch in a casual manner, without hesitancy or uncertainty. - Claire 32
Chapter 3: How to Approach & Meet Women
"I can tell when guys are checking me out. When I catch them, they look away when what they should do is smile at me" - Wing Girl Heather
Chapter 4: How to Talk to Women & Create Attraction
Chapter 5: The Dating Playbook
How to Get a Rave Review
Chapter 6: How to Avoid theFriend Zone
"Women can smell doubt and fear from a mile away. If you doubt yourself, we're going to sense that and doubt you do." - Jennifer 28
Chapter 7: How Women Want It! The How, What, When, Where And Why Behind Every Female Action
"I wish men knew that when I am silent and say nothing is wrong, what I really want/need is attention" - Nicki
Chapter 8: The Conclusion
When you wake up tomorrow, how will you feel about yourself? Will you replay a conversation over and over again you had with a woman who rejected you or will you feel amazing knowing that you put yourself out there and walked away with all of your limbs intact?