Healing the Thyroid with Ayurveda

Marianne Teitelbaum

Language: English

Published: Jan 30, 2019


A comprehensive guide to addressing the growing epidemic of thyroid disease from the perspective of the Ayurvedic tradition
• Details the author's successful treatment protocols for Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism developed over more than 30 years of Ayurvedic practice
• Explores the underlying causes of thyroid malfunction, the thyroid's connections to the liver and gall bladder, and the importance of early detection
• Also includes treatments for common symptoms of thyroid disease, such as insomnia, depression, fatigue, and osteoporosis, as well as for weight loss and hair growth
In this comprehensive guide for practitioners and those concerned with thyroid health, Marianne Teitelbaum, D.C., integrates the ancient medicine of Ayurveda with modern scientific findings to address the growing epidemic of thyroid disease.
Revealing how the thyroid is the victim of many factors that conspire to create ill health—and how many...