Unlock the Fountain of Prosperity Inside You! "I truly believe Jim Rohn is an extraordinary human being whose philosophy can enhance the quality of life for anyone." --Anthony Robbins "Few men are endowed with Jim Rohn's ability to motivate and effect changes in other human beings." --Tom Hopkins "Jim Rohn . . . is one of the most profound thinkers and mind expanding individuals I've ever had a chance to listen to." -- Les Brown "Jim Rohn is a master motivator--he has style, substance, charisma, relevance, charm, and what he says makes a difference . . . The world would be a better place if everyone heard my friend Jim Rohn." --Mark Victor Hansen You don't have to choose between wealth and happiness--they spring from the same fountain of abundance. With this book, you'll discover the seven essential strategies you need for success:
Unlock the Fountain of Prosperity Inside You!
"I truly believe Jim Rohn is an extraordinary human being whose philosophy can enhance the quality of life for anyone."
--Anthony Robbins
"Few men are endowed with Jim Rohn's ability to motivate and effect changes in other human beings."
--Tom Hopkins
"Jim Rohn . . . is one of the most profound thinkers and mind expanding individuals I've ever had a chance to listen to."
-- Les Brown
"Jim Rohn is a master motivator--he has style, substance, charisma, relevance, charm, and what he says makes a difference . . . The world would be a better place if everyone heard my friend Jim Rohn."
--Mark Victor Hansen
You don't have to choose between wealth and happiness--they spring from the same fountain of abundance. With this book, you'll discover the seven essential strategies you need for success: