Violated Online

Steven Wyer

Language: English

Publisher: Dunham Books

Published: Jan 15, 2011


Millions of people are attacked, exposed and violated on the Internet. A lawsuit filed against Steven Wyer's business destroyed his company and his credibility. His reputation was ruined because of the Internet. He learned that innocent until proven guilty is a myth, especially in the digital world. The online postings hurt his family, his income and his future. Since this battle, he has talked to hundreds of people with similar stories. Their narratives would sound like fiction were it not for the fact that he has helped many of them reclaim their lives through his company, Reputation Advocate.The American government has passed laws that leave its citizens open to be maligned with impunity by accusers-both real and fictitious. While most people use the internet, they do not know how to protect themselves against slander. Tragically, there is no one to protect us. We have to do it ourselves. Violated Online will help any person understand the defense strategies needed ...