Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde

Michael A. Stackpole

Language: English

Publisher: Gallery Books


A brand-new novel set in the universe of the record-breaking, internationally bestselling video game World of Warcraft!


Vol'jin, courageous leader of the Darkspear tribe. His strength and cunning are unmatched even among the Horde's most exalted champions. Now, on the legendary continent of Pandaria, the troll chieftain faces his greatest trial yet, one that may redefine his purpose in the...WORLD OF WARCRAFT

Warchief Garrosh's assassins strike at Vol'jin, leaving him at death's door. But fate smiles on the wounded Darkspear leader when renowned brewmaster Chen Stormstout transports him to the safety of an isolated mountain monastery. There, Vol'jin wrestles with old hatreds smoldering between the Alliance and the Horde as he struggles to recover alongside a mysterious human soldier.

Yet this is only the beginning of Vol'jin's worries. Soon, he becomes embroiled in an invasion of Pandaria launched by the Zandalari,...