Weekend Woodworking for the Garden

Burda, Cindy & Stender, Tom

Language: English

Publisher: Sterling

Published: Jun 30, 2000


In just a single weekend, you can decorate your garden with a classic bench, bird feeder, planter, lawn furniture and more. No special skills required! From functional gadgets to fabulous furniture, here are 20 great looking projects that even beginners can make in just a day or two. If you can saw a board, hammer a nail, and drive a screw, you can construct a bluebird house, seedling tray, hanging wine chiller, picnic table and bench combination. There's no need for hard to learn procedures, advanced tools, or specialty lumber. With the carefully constructed plans, simple techniques, and inspiring photos of the finished items, your garden will soon be decorated. Don't fill your beautiful "outdoor rooms" with manufactured items when it's quick, easy, and satisfying to do-it-yourself! 128 pages (all in color) 8 1/2 x 10. NEW IN PAPERBACK