No-Frills Investing

Deepak Shukla

Language: English

Publisher: Deepak Shukla


FINALLY, A NO-NONSENSE BOOK TO SAVE & INVEST YOUR WAY TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM WHILE SAVING MONEY & TIME..."Beating the market" has been the holy grail of traditional investing - the very foundation on which the investment business has thrived and prospered in the past. It's the implied promise that has enabled them to charge unsuspecting clients exorbitant fees as a price for entry into this exclusive club. These hefty fees can ERODE a client's hard-earned nest-egg by as much as 40-50% over their lifetime! But its NOT just the high fees! The investment business has largely FAILED in meeting its "beat-the-market" obligation : numerous studies have conclusively shown that OVER 90-95% of investment professionals and mutual funds have NOT been able to "beat the market" consistently and over the longer term! But fret not, dear investor, there IS an alternative....NO-FRILLS INVESTING shows you a BETTER and SIMPLER way to achieve your investing goals QUICKER and without...