Book 10 of Hardy Boys
Language: English
Boys & Men Brothers Detective and mystery stories Detectives Fiction General Hardy boys (Fictitious characters) Inventions Juvenile Fiction Kidnapping Mysteries & Detective Stories Mystery & Detective Mystery and detective stories Smuggling Teenage boy detectives
Publisher: Penguin
Published: Apr 15, 1967
Product Description
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About the Author
Franklin W. Dixon was the pseudonym devised by Edward Stratemeyer for the author of a series of mystery books he was developing which became the Hardy Boys series. The first book, The Tower Treasure, originally published in 1927, was written by Leslie MacFarlane who went on to write 19 more, including #2 through #16. In all, there are 58 titles in the original Hardy Boys Mysteries series published between 1927 and 1979 written by 17 different men and women. Many of the books were later revised, adding another four "Franklin W. Dixons" to the total.
Franklin W. Dixon was the pseudonym devised by Edward Stratemeyer for the author of a series of mystery books he was developing which became the Hardy Boys series. The first book, The Tower Treasure, originally published in 1927, was ghostwritten by Leslie MacFarlane who went on to write 19 more, including #2 through #16. In all, there are 58 titles in the original Hardy Boys Mysteries series published between 1927 and 1979 written by 17 different men and women. Many of the books were later revised, adding another four Hardy Boys Mystery Stories to the total.