Philanthropy Revolution

Lisa Greer

Language: English

Published: Jun 10, 2020


An Insider's Guide to Fundraising in a New Era The book covers a range of topics including upfront ways to ask for money, effective communication strategies and creating meaningful events and concludes with Lisa's idea for 'An Ethos of Giving' around joy, enrichment and authenticity that means everybody wins. With pullouts on giving trends, surprising stories and actionable insights, the book is an education tool for those within Lisa's circle. Lisa and Josh always planned to be donors and quickly started to manage an impressive portfolio of giving when they made their millions. However, Lisa was shocked at the way she was treated by many of these organisations, as a separate class of being, a 'rich person.' After many uncomfortable and depressing meetings in which Lisa felt like she was simply being spoken to as part of a script which couldn't be deviated from, and lacking any attempts to build meaningful relationship with her, she realised the system is broken, and she wants to...