Reader's Digest Laughter is the Best Medicine

Reader's Digest

Language: English

Published: Apr 5, 2022


A hilarious collection of the funniest family-friendly jokes, quotes, stories, cartoons, and anecdotes from the past 100 years of Reader's Digest magazine. A little chuckle every day will keep the doctor away.
Editors have mined the Reader's Digest archives to bring you Laughter Is the Best Medicine, All-Time Favorites, a collection of the most hilarious jokes and anecdotes we've come across over the years. As you turn the pages of our newest collection, you'll realize once again that laughter is always the best medicine.
  • If evolution really works, how come mothers have only two hands? –Milton Berle
  • The game card said: "Name three wars." My teenage daughter's response: "Civil War, Revolutionary War, and Star Wars."
  • Keep your temper. Nobody wants it. –Dearborn Independent
  • Check out this billion-dollar idea. A smoke detector that shuts off when you yell, "I'm just cooking!"
  • ...