Mistletoe, Whisky and a Rogue

Jane Charles

Language: English


One gossiping parrot, a few sips of whiskey, and a sprig of mistletoe will often seal one's fate.

Ethan Copeland was only in England at his father's request. It was important that he meet his uncle, and experience other options open to him as the nephew of a duke. However, after five months, Ethan is ready to return home. He, and his companions, two parrots named Rogue and Lady, longed for the warmth and sunshine of the New Orleans plantation. What he hadn't expected was to encounter a Scottish lass who had a taste for whiskey and an adventurous heart.

Fanella Grant had little adventure in her life and visiting the ancient castle might be the best thing to happen in a very long time. However, when her first night of exploring finds her locked in a wine cellar with a very handsome American, Fanella realizes this adventure may be more than she could have imagined.

Unfortunately, all could be ruined by a parrot not only repeats what he...