Keffer, J [Hornblower's Legacy 04] Brewer and the Portuguese Gold

James Keffer

Language: English

Publisher: Penmore Press LLC

Published: Jul 14, 2020


Newly promoted to captain, William Brewer is tasked to serve and defend British interests in the waters off Brazil. But who defines what constitutes Britain's Interests? Portugal's former colony is declaring independence, and an independent Brazil might better serve Britain's economic development. King George, however, chooses to support Portugal's monarch and his efforts to retain the colony. At the very least, Portugal's king wants to retrieve the royal treasury that was sent to Brazil for safekeeping during the Napoleonic wars. So British ships are sent to support Portugal's interests, even when many of the captains— and even more of the crewmen—are more than sympathetic towards Brazil.
The age of sail is nearing its zenith: ships are faster, navies wield more influence, and modernizations are improving shipboard life. But Brewer is inheriting a ship whose previous captain exercised brutal control over his men until crew members mutinied against him. No less...