Stolen Season

David Lamb

Language: English

Publisher: Diversion Books

Published: Mar 21, 2014


"A pennant-winning look at baseball at its purest." —Atlanta Journal & Constitution

On the field with baseball classics like Men at Work and The Boys of Summer, David Lamb travels the backroads of America to draw a stirring portrait of minor league baseball that will enchant every fan who has ever sat in the bleachers and waited for the crack of the bat.

A sixteen-thousand mile journey across America.... A travelogue of minor league teams and the towns that support them... A chronicle of hopes and dreams... Correspondent David Lamb embarks on a trek that captures the triumphs and defeats as thousands of players do all they can to reach the big leagues. In watching the games and riding the roads, Lamb also discovers a nation that breathes baseball, and towns that wrap their own dreams around their teams. Stolen Season is full of unforgettable characters, none more so than Lamb himself, a journalist who has written about and lived baseball his entire life, telling tales...