You Can Have It All, Just Not at the Same Damn Time

Romi Neustadt

Language: English

Published: Jan 14, 2020


Bestselling author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and life and business coach Romi Neustadt has a message for women: You CAN have it all—just not at the same damn time.
Romi Neustadt is a mom of two, a wife, a daughter, bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur, and coach. What's more, she's achieved these things without a staff of 10, the ability to sleep two hours a night or driving herself batsh*t crazy. She's figured out the key to having it all: Priorities, babe.
In her second book, Romi provides a no-BS blueprint for women to figure out what to focus on and what not to. She explains why saying YES to everything and everyone really means saying NO to the things that matter — to your goals, your dreams, and your true self.
The key to achieving your wildest dreams isn't to downsize them. It's to embrace them more fully, and discard everything that isn't serving them. This book will teach you how to:
* Zone in on what really matters...