Happy Ever After

Seven Dollar Millionaire

Language: English

Publisher: Wiley

Published: Mar 15, 2021


Discover how financial freedom – and not fairy tales – is at the heart of your very own Happy Ever After

Did you know you can become a millionaire by saving just $7 a day and investing for 7% returns? Probably not, because financial literacy is a subject that's overlooked by the vast majority of schools and universities, despite its importance to every single person on the planet.

Written initially for a teenage daughter and then turned into a course to train migrant workers, Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn't a Fairy Tale focuses on the fundamentals of understanding money, saving and investing, showing how the "magic" of compound investing can transform tiny initial amounts into genuine wealth. Finally, it shows readers how to achieve the "Freedom Formula" of 25x your annual spending – that can set you free.

Perfect for anyone who hopes to make their future financially brighter than their present, or help their own children avoid...