Whether you’re a designer or not, you make design decisions every day. Successful design projects require equal participation from both the client and the designer. Yet, the design process remains a mystery to the very people who buy it. Design is not sausage. You’ll enjoy it even more the better you understand how it’s made! Once again, Mike Monteiro demystifies the design process and helps you prepare for your role. Well-informed clients make for smoother projects, that are run more effectively and ultimately cost less. Ensure you’re asking the right questions, getting the right answers, and working with the right people — and you’ll have the confidence to hire people who will challenge you to make your product the best it can be.
Whether you’re a designer or not, you make design decisions every day. Successful design projects require equal participation from both the client and the designer. Yet, the design process remains a mystery to the very people who buy it. Design is not sausage. You’ll enjoy it even more the better you understand how it’s made! Once again, Mike Monteiro demystifies the design process and helps you prepare for your role. Well-informed clients make for smoother projects, that are run more effectively and ultimately cost less. Ensure you’re asking the right questions, getting the right answers, and working with the right people — and you’ll have the confidence to hire people who will challenge you to make your product the best it can be.